Site updates
a log for the website
Updated: 2024-11-16 | Created: 2019-02-22
- 30th [POST] new: Games I have completed in 2024
- 21st [POST] new: Tiny Glade: memories of long lost weekends
- 13th [POST] new: Doom 64 and Doom 64: Unseen Evil
- 9th [POST] new: My favorites games from the PC Gaming Show: Most Wanted 2024
- 16th [POST] new: Back on X
- 5th [POST] new: Why it's hard for me to write about Linux
- 28th [PAGE] update: Uses
- 18th [POST] new: HotWheels: new addiction?
- 27th [POST] new: What's good on TV?
- 26th [PAGE] update: Uses
- 16th [POST] new: Alien Romulus movie review (spoilers)
- 8th [PAGE] update: Thief Corner
- 5th [POST] new: Remembering Doom 3 for the 20th anniversary
- 18th [POST] new: Trouble writing about Silent Hill
- 29th [POST] new: Some new terminal utils I am using
- 26th [PAGE] update: Uses (changed many stuff)
- 26th [PAGE] new: Compiling Ironwail (Quake source port) on Void Linux
- 23rd [PAGE] new: How to watch sub-only Twitch videos in your browser?
- 8th [POST] new: Switched from pavucontrol to ncpamixer
- 2nd [POST] new: Turning to the dark side, playing console games with RetroArch
- 27th [PAGE] new: Fallout TV show criticism
- 24th [POST] new: 10 better games than Hellblade 2, that you can play right now
- 22th [POST] new: An honest talk about tiling window managers
- 25th [POST] new: Void Linux is my new home
- 22nd [PAGE] new: Format SD card or USB from terminal
- 8th [PAGE] new: Nyxt white browser fix
- 6th [POST] new: My Souls-like phase
- 30th [POST] new: LEGO Ninjago: Zane's Power Up Mech EVO review
- 24th [PAGE] new: Change Emacs theme on the fly
- 23rd [PAGE] updated: Uses
- 22nd [POST] new: Terminator: Resistance
- 26th [POST] new: What I am playing these days (2024 February)
- 26th [POST] new: Time for another keyboard… a Redragon!
- 11th [POST] new: Finally playing Cultic
- 26th [POST] new: I switched to MX Linux
- 14th [POST] new: I am on fediverse, again
- 1st [PAGE] new: How to extract GOG installers on Linux
- 28th [POST] new: Playing Doom after 30 years
- 3rd [PAGE] new: KDEnlive blank effects panel on Ubuntu
- 31th [POST] new: My first stream on Twitch
- 7th [POST] new: Trief to record Thief
- 2nd [POST] new: Doing video stuff on Odysee
- 27th [PAGE] new: Play Dark Forces with The Force Engine on Ubuntu
- 22nd [POST] new: Thief: Deadly Shadows - Robbing the Cradle, first impressions (GAMES)
- 13th [POST] new: Brave browser has finally got vertical tabs
- 13th [PAGE] new: Install Old Ubuntu Themes
- 6th [POST] new: Don't worry, I will never leave you
- 1st [PAGE] new: Aliens vs Predator 2010 no sound fix
- 10th [POST] new: Movies every day in May: Extraction
- 8th [POST] new: Movies every day in May: Ingrid Goes West
- 8th [POST] new: Movies every day in May: The Salvation
- 6th [POST] new: Movies everyday in May: Catch Me If You Can
- 6th [POST] new: Movies everyday in May: The Equalizer 2
- 5th [POST] new: Movies everyday in May: The Equalizer
- 3rd [POST] new: Movies every day in May: The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
- 2nd [POST] new: Movies every day in May: Fall
- 1st [POST] new: Movies every day in May: John Wick 4
- 2nd [POST] new: Links for 2023-04-02
- 31st [POST] new: Time to say good bye to social media (Personal)
- 25th [POST] new: Many reasons why a Casio F91W is better than a smartwatch! (Watches)
- 21th [POST] new: My next Casio? (Watches)
- 17th [POST] new: Give a social media break to yourself (Personal)
- 16th [POST] new: Lego: Jurassic Park 30th anniversary sets (Lego)
- 8th [POST] new: New site design 2023 (Blogging)
- 8th [SITE] updated: NEW SITE DESIGN at least for the next year or maybe two.
- 8th [PAGE] updated: Contact (put back my socials)
- 4th [POST] new: Newsboat and RSS (Linux)
- 28th [POST] new: Patching and the simplicities of life (Personal)
- 20th [POST] new: 365 days of daily yoga (Health)
- 12th [PAGE] update: Uses - updated with window manager.
- 11th [PAGE] update: Microblog restart
- 8th [PAGE] new: Linux wiki: Bspwm, polybar & sxhkd resources
- 6th [POST] new: Bspwm journey (part 2) (Linux)
- 5th [POST] new: About that Netflix thing (Culture)
- 4th [POST] new: Bspwm journey (part 1) (Linux)
- 3rd [POST] new: Potoo, the Ghost Bird (Interesting)
- 31st [POST] new: Windows knows how to complicate things (Tech)
- 27th [POST] new: What happens when GOG offers you Hitman? (Games)
- 25th [POST] new: Timed Out (Culture)
- 2nd [POST] new: Some new Lego sets for 2023 (Lego)
- 1st [POST] new: Yoga with Adriene - CENTER, a 30 day yoga journey (Health)
- 26th [POST] new: I bought a Lamborghini! (Lego)
- 22nd [POST] new: Gaming time travel back to 1997 (part 1) (Games)
- 21st [POST] new: The Force Engine 1.0 Release (Games)
- 13rd [POST] new: GOG 2022 Christmas sale: Adventure games (Games)
- 11th [PAGE] update: Contact with new socials.
- 8th [POST] new: Theme of the Year 2022 (Personal)
- 5th [POST] new: Dead Space is still fantastic (Games)
- 4th [POST] new: Making a brain dump of this webspace? (Blogging)
- 2nd [POST] new: Switching to Vivaldi (Linux)
- 28th [POST] new: Musk buying Twitter doesn't mean anything
- 18th [PAGE] update: Read a new book
- 7th [POST] new: Dual monitor and Xmonad (Linux)
- 4th [POST] new: Modus themes are fun (Linux)
- 30th [POST] new: Early ending of reading 52 books in 52 weeks
- 27th [POST] new: New place, new design
- 24th [POST] new: I might lose access to the website
- 23rd [POST] new: Play games with ScummVM 2.6
- 22nd [POST] new: New keyboard again? WTF are you doing parasurv?!
- 21st [POST] new: Star Wars: Andor
- 16th [POST] new: How I use workspaces (in 2022)
- 15th [POST] new: A post about AppImage
- 13th [POST] new: Yoga in the morning or evening?
- 10th [POST] new: Links for 2022-09-10
- 6th [PAGE] new: Useful AppImages in the Linux wiki, a collection of AppImages that people can use
- 5th [PAGE] update: 52 books in 52 weeks (2022)
- 4th [POST] new: Links for 2022-09-04
- 1st [POST] new: 2K launcher ruins Bioshock and other games on Steam, here is the alternative
- 30th [PAGE] update: Uses page update
- 30th [POST] new: Few thoughts about my Linux system in 2022
- 29th [PAGE] update: added a fansite to the Blood page.
- 29th [PAGE] update: added the new links pages to the linkblog.
- 29th [POST] new: Links for 2022-08-29
- 29th [PAGE] update: organized Linux wiki a little bit more.
- 28th [POST] new: Midnight Commander is not bad
- 26th [POST] new: Links for 2022-08-26
- 25th [POST] new: What I don't understand about keyboard reviews
- 23rd [POST] new: Links for 2022-08-23
- 23rd [PAGE] new: Make Caps Lock Control
- 21st [POST] new: Bioshock is 15 years old today!
- 16th [PAGE] new: Simple color for desktop background
- 13th [POST] new: The Magic of Casio F91W
- 9th [POST] new: Lex Fridman podcast with John Carmack
- 8th [PAGE] update: Thief corner - added a recent reddit thread about tricks.
- 1st [PAGE] new: How to have icons in lf file manager in fish shell
- 27th [POST] new: Basketball memories
- 24th [POST] new: Lf, terminal based file manager
- 25th [POST] new: Life before computers
- 24th [PAGE] new: How to split mp3/audio files with ffmpeg?
- 22th [POST] new: Yoga after 4 months
- 19th [POST] new: Slackware time
- 9th [POST] new: Today I met a nice old lady
- 18th [POST] new: Steamdeck, tech in general and my possible future without any screen
- 14th [PAGE] new: 52 books in 52 weeks - updated the booklist with H.G.Wells' "The War of the Worlds"
- 12th [POST] new: I am learning yoga, yay!
- 11th [PAGE] update: Edit browser textarea with Emacs - added doShift and doFloat rules for xmonad users
- 10th [PAGE] new: Edit browser textarea with Emacs
- 9th [PAGE] update: 52 books in 52 week - updated the page with new ideas.
- 9th [POST] new: 52 Books Plus! - expanding my book reading project with more books
- 5ht [POST] new: What happened with the web?
- 4th [POST] new: Books I read in 2022 January - the first four book of 2022.
- 30th [PAGE] update: Thief Corner
- 29th [PAGE] update: I updated the Linux Wiki, added the old pages.
- 28th [POST] new: My old keyboard, is my new keyboard
- 27th [POST] new: Let's Play Open Supaplex
- 22nd [POST] new: Dark Forces in new clothes, The Force Engine - I finally wrote about this wonderful source port.
- 21st [POST] new: Artix Linux, more than just a protest distro
- 16th [POST] new: Poddr, iTunes podcast listener on Linux desktop
- 11th [POST] new: How to start with Emacs?
- 7th [POST] new: What it's like to use Linux in the past 15 years?
- 1st [POST] new: Less screen time, the better (post #1 of the #100DaysToOffload challenge)
- 29th [POST] new: How to watch Twitch outside of browser
- 26th [PAGE] new: Rainbow Six
- 21st [PAGE] new: Unreal
- 19th [PAGE] update: Nord themes on Linux (added another list of resource)
- 17th [PAGE] new: Nord themes on Linux
- 11th [POST] new: Firefox and LibreWolf minimalist customization ideas
- 10th [PAGE] new: Show Youtube dislike in Firefox/LibreWolf
- 10th [PAGE] update: Uses - new window manager and browser
- 28th [PAGE] new: Firefox: How to enable userChrome and userContent CSS files? (Linux)
- 26th [PAGE] update: Old Games Stuff - added an article about How to use DOSBox on Linux
- 17th [PAGE] new: Old tech, old net
- 16th [PAGE] update: Favorite recipes - added some notes to the recipes
- 12nd [PAGE] new: Favorite recipes
- 11st [PAGE] update: watch
- 10th [POST] new: Squid game (no spoilers)
- 2nd [PAGE] update: Uses
- 27th [PAGE] new: a new page about Fasting.
- 23rd [POST] new: Epic Games on Linux with Heroic Launcher
- 5th [POST] new: I am still here
- 9th [PAGE] new: How to refresh Emacs buffer?
- 31st [PAGE] new: Dark Forces page
- 31st [POST] new: Dream Watch: Casio DW-290
- 23rd [PAGE] new: Emacs org-mode: Export underscore problem
- 22nd [PAGE] new: How to play Quake, with Quake Epsilon on Linux? - want a flashy version of the original Quake? Try epsilon.
- 15th [PAGE] update: Thief Corner - updated with reviews, NoClip documentary and other type of videos.
- 13th [PAGE] update: Old Games Stuff - updated with Quake and Arcane Dimensions mod (seriously try it!)
- 8th [PAGE] update: Blood page - added a unique look for the page.
- 7th [PAGE] update: Blood page - simplified mod install instruction, added couple of tried mods.
- 5th [POST] new: Budget EDC pen: Zebra F-301
- 5th [PAGE] update: Old games stuff - updated with playable No One Lives Forever and images.
- 30th [PAGE] new: Enable right click in Firefox
- 28th [POST] new: Why I like reddit?
- 25th [PAGE] new: Blood - resources, videos, source ports, etc.
- 23rd [PAGE] update: Old games stuff - updated with build engine games.
- 23rd [POST] new: What is an everyday carry? (EDC) Do you need it?
- 22th [POST] new: Playing Old games is better
- 15th [PAGE] new: Hail Hydra! (aka how to ruin MCU with one episode!)
- 11th [POST] new: England kneeling will be a great shitshow at Euro 2020
- 8th [PAGE] new: Outlaws game page.
- 6th [POST] new: Before you start collecting Casio watches
- 5th [PAGE] new: MacGyver page, about the legendary show of the 80s.
- 13th [POST] new: Fake it, 'till you make it
- 9th [POST] new: Why I am not distro hopping anymore?
- 22nd [POST] new: Should I push the button?
- 14th [PAGE] update: added the Screamer arcade series to the Old Games Stuff page.
- 14th [PAGE] new: started a Linkblog
- 14th [PAGE] new: "just build your own social network" - Short and Antisocial
- 13th [POST] new: My new keyboard: Microsoft 600
- 9th [POST] new: Why I love the Casio A168AW-1YES
- 6th [PAGE] update: Favorite plant based recipes
- 3rd [POST] new: Slay the Spire
- 31th [PAGE] new: Slay the Spire on Linux don't start (GOG)
- 27th [POST] new: Short post about my 2nd watch
- 26th [POST] new: Mr. Brooks
- 9th [POST] new: Where do we go from here?
- 2nd [POST] new: What I want to do in 2021?
- 31st [POST] new: A Good Year (movie)
- 30th [POST] new: Watches: Casio AE1200-WH-5AVCF
- 25th [POST] new: Merry Christmas!
- 22th [POST] new: Hexen and Heretic are on GOG, Merry Christmas retro gamers!
- 17th [POST] new: GOG Winter Sale 2020 with free Prison Architect
- 16th [POST] new: A watch or a keyboard
- 6th [POST] new: Dancing in a mask
- 4th [POST] new: International Day against DRM 2020
- 27th [POST] new: The Evil Within on Linux (GOG)
- 24th [POST] new: New earphone
- 31st [POST] new: Another post without a title
- 30th [POST] new: Watchdogs Legions Viewer Review
- 28th [POST] new: Changing shells
- 27th [POST] new: Plans for November
- 25th [POST] new: Day 86 of #100DaysToOffload
- 24th [POST] new: Day 85 of #100DaysToOffload
- 23rd [POST] new: How to install Ubuntu Groovy Gorilla
- 22nd [POST] new: New Scorn gameplay video
- 21st [POST] new: DWM picture in picture with floatpos patch
- 20th [POST] new: Smiling
- 19th [POST] new: Amnesia is still the game to beat in horror
- 17th [POST] new: Picture-in-picture mode in dwm?
- 16th [POST] new: Lego with LeoCAD
- 15th [POST] new: Losing myself in Emacs
- 14th [POST] new: It's just rain, all the time
- 12th [POST] new: Forget Youtube
- 11th [POST] new: Why I will never be a streamer?
- 10th [POST] new: Nanowrimo, the perfect distraction for November
- 9th [POST] new: Until Dawn is still fun
- 8th [POST] new: Linux for 14 years
- 7th [POST] new: Reddit with Tuir
- 6th [POST] new: American cancer ads and hypocrites
- 3rd [POST] new: Stop hyping up Gnome's tiling window feature
- 2nd [POST] new: "No customization for a week" challenge
- 1st [POST] new: Remembering Outlast for spooky month
- 30th: [POST] new: Helping on Twitch when you don't want to backseat
- 29th [POST] new: Why I don't watch Netflix anymore?
- 27th [POST] new: Alternative terminal stuff
- 23th [POST] new: Is Youtube a republican news station?
- 18th [POST] new: Discovering Dmenu
- 12th [POST] new: Spellbreak (opinion)
- 11th [POST] new: Why I don't use dark themes?
- 3rd [POST] new: Take easy screenshots with flameshot
- 2nd [POST] new: Gaming Magazines Retrospective: 1995 April
- 1st [POST] new: Joe Rogan Missing Episodes on Spotify
- 31st [POST] new: Remnant: From the Ashes (Epic Games Store) on Linux
- 30th [POST] new: Epic Games Store on Linux
- 29th [POST] new: Is it worth learning HTML?
- 25th [POST] new: Why am I not following many vegans?
- 24th [POST] new: GOG Harvest sale
- 20th [POST] new: Brave extensions I use
- 17th [POST] new: Sane distros, in an insane world
- 14th [POST] new: It's OK to not use Firefox, if you are for free software
- 9th [POST] new: I use Aritx, btw
- 22nd [POST] new: Nothing beats nature
- 18th [POST] new: My favorite browser: Brave
- 13th [POST] new: Weightloss: First week
- 6th [POST] new: Community weekend (Season 1)
- 3rd [POST] new: Tonight I am going to watch Blade Runner
- 30th [POST] new: 30 minutes
- 29th [POST] new: Bye, bye Netflix, as they took down one of the best Community episode
- 26th [POST] new: Parasurvs Random Links #10
- 25th [POST] new: Personal: June 25th 2020
- 23rd [POST] new: Listening habits
- 22nd [POST] new: Browsing habits
- 21st [POST] new: "I stand against hate…"
- 21st [POST] new: Window manager independent swallowing and other things
- 19th [PAGE] new: Favorite Plantbased Recipes
- 17th [POST] new: Game review scores has to go (see TLOU2)
- 16th [POST] new: Play Dungeon Keeper with KeeperFX
- 15th [POST] new: The language police is coming
- 13th [POST] new: No more design change in 2020
- 12th [POST] new: Noob note taking with Emacs
- 11th [PAGE] new: Small Linux utils: xprop and xev
- 9th [POST] new: Enjoy old RTS classics with OpenRA!
- 6th [POST] new: What is DWM?
- 3rd [POST] new: All Lives Matter
- 2nd [POST] new: Created a pixelfed account, about food
- 1st [POST] new: Why is writing hard?
- 28th [POST] new: Slackware Linux Day 1
- 27th [POST] new: I am going back to Slackware!
- 27th [POST] new: Bad days
- 26th [POST] new: Why I quit #100daystooffload? - no not really
- 26th [SITE] update: cleaned up the homepage a little bit.
- 25th [POST] new: I am still here
- 21st [PAGE] new: Updating Emacs packages
- 20th [POST] new: Mastodon with Emacs
- 20th [PAGE] new: Change Emacs theme depending on time
- 19th [POST] new: Dear Diary
- 17th [POST] new: Ambient noises on Linux with Anoise
- 15th [POST] new: MangoHud, fps overlay
- 10th [POST] new: My most used Linux software
- 9th [POST] new: What I will write about, but not now…
- 8th [POST] new: World Password Day
- 7th [POST] new: Why I love the Batman The Animated Series?
- 6th [POST] new: Jogging for a dream
- 5th [POST] new: How long I will use Elementary OS?
- 4th [POST] new: Getting slowly sucked into XCOM
- 4th [PAGE] update: Elementary OS - added a graphical way to manage Systemd services
- 3rd [POST] new: Sengi, Mastodon client review
- 2nd [POST] new: Elementary OS updates, April 2020
- 1st [POST] new: I tried Mutant Year Zero
- 30th [POST] new: Steam recommended me these games
- 29th [POST] new: Some vegan recipes I will try this week (dead link)
- 28th [POST] new: Vertical mouse review and finger positions
- 27th [PAGE] update: Elementary OS page - Added the How to start a program with a shortcut? section…
- 27th [POST] new: The joy of writing, #100DaysToOffload
- 13th [POST] new: Entertainment in isolation
- 9th [PAGE] new: My Elementary OS page
- 6th [POST] new: Elementary OS 2020 March update
- 4th [POST] new: Remembering Thief, on Thief II's 20th anniversary
- 1st [POST] new: How to install and play T2X for Thief 2 on Linux?
- 31st [PAGE] update: Thief Corner - minor edits and added cheat code
- 26th [PAGE] new: Fix GTK theme problems in Elementary OS
- 18th [PAGE] updated: Alien Isolation corner - some typos, and changed the book's link to Amazon (not affiliate).
- 17th [POST] new: I lied to you
- 4th [PAGE] new: How to watch Youtube via RSS? (dead link)
- 2nd [POST] new: Parasurv's Random Links #10 (dead link)
- 1st [POST] new: One thing about New Year's resolutions
- 31st [POST] new: Veganuary 2020 (dead link)
- 31st [POST] new: Winamp nostalgia with Qmmp on Linux
- 26th [POST] new: Compiling Emacs on Christmas Day!
- 23rd [POST] new: My Christmas Meal
- 22th [SITE] new: I added an RSS feed to the site.
- 22th [POST] new: 2020: Lunduke is going OFF social media… and I am too
- 21th [POST] new: How do you Get Over It?
- 20th [POST] new: You, on Netflix will stalk you, until you finish it
- 19th [PAGE] update: Use bittorrent with Torrential on Elementary OS
- 19th [PAGE] update: Emacs useful shortcuts - Window splitting and deleting
- 18th [PAGE] update: How to compile ScummVM on Ubuntu - updated with Blade Runner news
- 18th [POST] new: Blade Runner on GOG - Blade Runner game is back from the graveyard
- 16th [POST] new: GOG Winter Sale recommendations - support DRM-free gaming
- 14th [POST] new: Doom (2016), holly shit! - bought Doom and I love it!
- 13th [POST] new: When you run out of ideas…
- 12th [POST] new: GOG Winter Sale 2019 with free Wasteland 2 - support DRM-free gaming
- 12th [PAGE] new: Wasteland 2 DC dialogue start fix
- 11th [POST] new: Vegan tips: How to learn to cook? - just some things I have learned along the way. Still learning, btw.
- 11th [PAGE] new: How to install Brave browser in Elementary OS?
- 10th [POST] new: Elementary Tweaks on Hera
- 9th [POST] new: Vegans and salads
- 8th [POST] new: Elementary OS keyboard options
- 7th [POST] new: Elementary OS themed Firefox
- 6th [POST] new: My little, 10 year old elephant
- 6th [PAGE] new: How to edit menu in Elementary OS?
- 5th [POST] new: 5 things I like in Elementary OS
- 4th [POST] new: PocketBook Touch Lux 4 ebook reader first impressions
- 3rd [POST] new: The Irishman (not a movie review)
- 2nd [POST] new: Content warning on social media
- 1st [POST] new: My thoughts on Elementary OS
- 30th [POST] new: A few words about The Mandalorian
- 26th [POST] new: How my Ubuntu MATE looks in 2019?
- 25th [PAGE] updated: homepage, cleaned up a little bit.
- 20th [POST] new: Buku, standalone bookmark manager
- 17th [PAGE] new: Slingshot fork, Panther Launcher on Ubuntu MATE
- 14th [POST] new: Nightmares - just woke up from a nightmare and had to write something…
- 4th [PAGE] new: added a CONTACT page.
- 2nd [POST] new: How to use Compiz with Ubuntu MATE 19.10
- 2nd [PAGE] new: How to fix sound device switch bug on Ubuntu MATE 19.10
- 30th [POST] new: What's new in Ubuntu MATE 19.10?
- 29th [PAGE] new: How to compile ScummVM on Ubuntu?
- 29th [POST] new: Parasurv's Random Links #8
- 28th [POST] new: Why Devuan? My first impressions…
- 25th [POST] new: Changes to the website, using Emacs for writing and publishing
- 30th [POST] new: Parasurv's Random Links #7
- 26th [POST] new: Joker and the histerical reactions, only in America
- 16th [PAGE] new: Emacs markdown editing live preview with flymd
- 16th [POST] new: Easy mode in videogames
- 15th [PAGE] new: Play protected content (DRM) with Vivaldi
- 12th [POST] new: Clickfest games, 21st century madness
- 10th [POST] new: How to avoid Joker spoilers
- 9th [PAGE] new: How to style Vivaldi's UI?
- 4th [POST] new: 5 reasons I like Vivaldi Browser
- 1st [PAGE] updated: Alien Isolation corner (with mods and dual monitor wallpapers)
- 30th [PAGE] updated: Fograin92's Alien:Isolation playthrough
- 26th [PAGE] updated: Favorite Twitch streamers
- 26th [PAGE] NEW Ion Fury corner
- 26th [PAGE] NEW Emacs useful shortcuts
- 26th [PAGE] updated: Updated Alien: Isolation page with one playthrough
- 20th [PAGE] Duke Nukem 3D with Eduke32
- 19th [POST] Ion Fury, first impressions
- 19th [PAGE] Steam slow download speed and a solution
- 31st [PAGE] Emacs transparency
- 27th [PAGE] Alien: Isolation corner
- 27th [SITE] update: minor CSS update for the header, and some correction on the main page.
- 25th [POST] new: Alien short films for the 40th anniversary
- 3rd [PAGE] updated: Thief corner - updated with recommended mods.
- 3rd [PAGE] updated: Favorite subreddits
- 3rd [POST] new: [Spreading the positive vegan message on social media](blog/spreading-the-positive-vegan-message-on-social-media.html)
- 20th [PAGE] new: Linux: How to download youtube playlist in mp3 format
- 19th [POST] new: Why Alien: Isolation the best game for me?
- 18th [POST] new: My top 5 favorite vegan Youtube channels
- 13th [POST] new: Why it's good to be vegan?
- 15th [POST] new: Watch Youtube with Freetube
- 29th [POST] new: [Castero, podcast listener in terminal](blog/castero-podcast-listener-in-terminal.html)
- 11th [PAGE] update: [Hide bar in i3wm](hide-bar-i3wm.html) - fixed a package name, silly me.
- 11th [PAGE] update: [Favorite subreddits](favorite-subreddits.html) - updating with some new subreddits.
- 10th: [POST] new: Ncmpcpp, favorite Linux music player
- 2nd: [PAGE] new: [Linux How to fix Alan Wake: no sound during cutscenes](linux-how-to-fix-alan-wake-no-sound-cutscenes.html)
- 26th [POST] new: A short story about Fred, the gamer
- 22nd [POST] update: How I got back to reading books?
- 22nd [PAGE] new: Reading list
- 19th [POST] new: How I got back to reading books?
- 11th: [PAGE] new: Games to finish in 2019
- 6th: [PAGE] new: How to force Linux games to use Steam Proton
- 6th: [PAGE] update: Favorite subreddits - categorized the subreddits and added some new ones or forgotten ones. Plus a link to my rtv post.
- 5th: [POST] new: What game I would buy this week (2019 February)
- 1st: [POST] new: Parasurv's Random Links #6
- 31st [POST] new: Favorite terminal software: ncdu
- 27th [POST] new: Reddit in terminal with rtv - reading reddit in terminal is easy!
- January 26th: [PAGE] new: [I3 floating window](i3-floating-window.html) - how to set windows to float and for a certain size.
- 14th [POST] new: The League of Legends experiment - Started the play League for the first time.
- January 11th: [POST] new: [Parasurv's Random Links 5](blog/parasurvs-random-links-5.html)
- 8th [POST] new: Five vegan Youtuber to follow in 2019 - list of my favorite vegan youtubers.
- 25th [PAGE] new: Bioshock 2 Remastered space bar bug & solution
- 25th [POST] new: I played CS:GO Danger Zone
- 23rd [PAGE] new: Firefox: stop autoplay of videos
- 18th [PAGE] new: Hide bar in i3wm
- 18th [PAGE] update: My Thief corner - added some guides.
- 18th [POST] new: Thief 2 after 6 missions
- 16th [PAGE] new: Favorite subreddits
- December 16th: [PAGE] new: [Linux Intel HD screen tearing fix](linux-intel-screen-tearing-fix.html)
- 15th [PAGE] new: Favorite Games
- 15th [PAGE] update: Favorite Twitch streamers
- 13th [PAGE] updated some links on the main page.
- December 12th: [PAGE] new: [How to switch left Alt and left Windows key in Linux?](linux-switch-left-alt-left-windows-key.html)
- December 12th: [PAGE] [My Linux wiki](linux-wiki.html) - sort of a knowledge base for small stuff.
- 12th: [SITE] new: updated design, probably will last for a long while, with occasional update here and there.
- December 7th: [POST] new: [Parasurv's Random Links #3](blog/parasurvs-random-links-3.html)
- December 4th: [POST] new: [Firefox: Organize your browsing habits with Simple Tab Groups](blog/firefox-simple-tab-groups.html)
- 3rd: [PAGE] updated My favorite Twitch streamers with new streamers.
- 29th [PAGE] updated Thief Corner with some links.
- 27th: [PAGE] created the Thief Corner page where I collect all sorts of useful things about the Thief series. I also created this page to log site changes.
- 25th [PAGE] my Emacs couldn't start and I was lucky to find a solution. Here is the solution if you have args out of range problem.
- November 24th: [POST] new: St terminal
- 24th: [POST] new: What's wrong with Black Friday?
- November 22th: [POST] new: [Parasurv's Random Links #2](blog/parasurvs-random-links-2.html)
- 20th [POST] new: Playing Thief: The Dark Project again…
- 15th [POST] new: Some open-source games for Linux
- November 12th: [POST] new: [Parasurv's Random Links #1: the restart?](blog/parasurvs-random-links-1.html)
- 9th: [POST] new: Why I like using Manjaro Linux?
- November 8th: [POST] new: Life Update - November 2018
- November 8th: [POST] new: Why I like i3 window manager?
- 13th: [POST] new First weekend without social media
- 11th: [POST] new Opinion about Shadow Warrior 2
- 17th [POST] new: Life updates
- 1st [POST] new Being a sports fan, from far away…
- 29th [POST] new: My experience with Steam Proton: Bioshock Remastered
- 12th [POST] new: How I started my 'Couch to 5k' journey?
- 9th [POST] new: I started to play: Still Life
- 14th [POST] new: Why I don't use a smartphone?
- 22th [POST] new: Take a break from your computer with Safe Eyes
- 1st [POST] new: Play old GOG games via Wine on Linux
- 26th [POST] new: How to do vertical tabs in Firefox
- 5th [POST] new: How to Dark Forces (GOG) on Linux
- 29th [POST] new: Why Mastodon is the only social network I use?
- 28th [POST] new: Static website generators and Nikola
- 5th [POST] new: Every year: Your Lie in April
- 3rd [POST] new: My new keyboard: Magicforce 68 - my 2nd mechanical keyboard is here! And I love it!
- 22th [POST] new: Old games: FlatOut 2