parasurv's webspace@writer13 ~ $

Musk buying Twitter doesn't mean anything

Date: 2022-10-28 Friday

So Elon Musk buys Twitter, but this really doesn't mean anything. Until he presses the delete button. He basically wasted $44 billion on nothing. He fired some exec, and probably will many other follow. Doesn't matter. It's a shame that a guy, who seems to be intelligent, waste his resources on this shitty website.

Twitter is not real life as Dave Chappelle said, and he was right. It's literally worthless crap, probably only political commentators and disney shills care about it.

This is post #43 of the #100DaysToOffload challenge, where we write 100 posts in a year. If you are interested in this event, check out the official website: Happy writing everybody! :)

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