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I am still here…
or what I am up to these days…

Date: 2021-10-05

Ok, don't worry guys, I am still here! While I wasn't really blogging here, I discovered a few things about myself and changed my life! So let's get into it.

Fountain pens

This year I picked up the habit of handwriting my thoughts. It started in February, and while it was an on and off habit, I was mostly consistent, and lately I write daily, thanks to mostly a new tool: fountain pens.

When people think about fountain pens, they have a picture in their mind. Some fancy pens, which looks old and very expensive. Most people probably don't even know that you can get a fountain pen for the price of a meal. I got 2, literally for 6-8 euros each, and I am very happy with them.

It was difficult to write with them first, it's definitely unusual, compare to ballpoint pens. But it is so nice, and it works really well! I started to write really well, and it partly inspired the look of this blog as well.

The first pen was a Parker, which might not be even an original, because it was so cheap, however it is reliable. It came with one cartridge and in the future I want to get a converter, so I can use bottled ink with it. Unfortunately Parker has proprietary converter, but I get it easily and cheap. If you can take care a fountain pen, you can use it for decades.

The other one is Stabilo, a budget fountain pen, made in Germany. I discovered this first like 2 months ago, and I was hesitant to buy it then, because it looked cheap, and the price was cheap. But of course it's hell of a workhorse and it's my favorite to write with. I even get a lot of cartridges for it, but I will look to move to converter if it's possible.

Cartridges are usually cheap, but depend on the size, you may need to change it frequently. Bottled ink's can give you much more choice, as inks come in dozens of colors. Really you can browse inks for days, before you choose.

Now I almost filled my first notebook, and just yesterday I bought my first Moleskines. It's a branded notebook, looks and feels really nice. Ten years ago I wouldn't be able to get one in my local paper store, but now they have different sizes with different features. I can't wait to start writing my thoughts there.

Drawing, doodling

Not long after I got into fountain pens, I discovered a guy on youtube, his name is Peter. He is a lovely guy, he is an artist with a smooth voice and calming style. Right now if I could only watch one youtube channel for the rest of my life, he would be that one channel.

I was never the artist type, I didn't really draw well in schools, and got discouraged early on. But now I like drawing in my own way. It's my own therapy. Just doodling away. Currently I use a Pilot G-2 gelpen, which is like heaven. I want to get different sizes, for thinner lines. I love copying some stuff related to gaming. I still need to get a nice sketchbook, I want to have one, which fits into my bag, so I can take it, and if I see something, or if I just want to doodle, I can do it anywhere. Sketchbook Skool is also a big inspiration.


Me and my dad doing gardening stuff. Helping him it helps me. In this world of where we largely dependant on big corporations to get our food, it's very important to grow some that we like, on our own. Digging into the soil with our two hands is an amazing feeling. Even if you are just taking care of some flowers, do it!


This has the biggest impact on my life, that's why I left it last. Sometimes even youtube recommend you good videos, like Fasting for survival by Dr Pradip Jamnadas.

I am doing intermittent fasting for 7 weeks now. That means that I mostly eat two meals a day, in time restricted fashion between 12 and 18 o'clock. The past few weeks I changed to OMAD (one meal a day) at noon.

I don't really want to take up space here, what is intermittent fasting and what it can do to you, please watch the video, the doctor is very knowledgeable and funny too. If you can't watch a one and a half hour long video, please stop watch Netflix, Amazon, etc! I am serious, this video can change your life!

People in modern days are eating way too much food. Even for eating our body needs spend energy, and we do it way too frequently. We have breakfast, launch, dinner, and snacks here and there.

Our ancestors didn't have food whenever they feel like it. Hunting was hard, and food that nature provided wasn't everywhere. Our genetics didn't changed with modern food.

What did I experience with fasting?

At first it was weird. I tried fasting last year, but my window was screwed up as I started at 10 instead of 12 and basically just delayed breakfast. It didn't work for me very long. But now with a 6 hour window it was managable, and I quickly got use to it. I eat normally, just don't eat breakfast. The "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" is really just a marketing text from companies who sell cereals. You don't need it. Then around 6 in the evening, I ate oatmeal or something else, but not much.

I have to say doing this after a while, it's obvious I'll never go back to eating 3 or more times a day. I have much more energy both for physical and mental things to do.

My daily naps are much shorter in the afternoon, but I am rested as well.

I am mentally stronger. When I have some irritating tasks which was just chore doing it in the past, I have little to no problem starting and finishing them now.

I drink much more water, than in the past since the majority of the fuel is water.

Going analogue is not a bad thing

I have to say, I spend less and less with digital things. Computers were my hobby for many-many years, but now it's just feels like harder and harder. Most people on the internet are very angry now, and it's not a fun place to be. So found some non-digital (or as I say: analogue) hobbies. Things that actually interests me. It's just a different type of life, and I am happy that I found some new things, some that makes me happy. I feel in this expanding digital world of ours, we are quickly losing our humanity. We create less and less in the physical world, and more in digital. While it's a great tool for some of the things, it's just a tool and shouldn't take over our lives entirely.

I know that I am blogging here right now, seems funny, but I wanted to share these changes in my life, maybe others find something to think about.


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