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Compiling Ironwail (Quake source port) on Void Linux
Just a fast Quake port

Ironwail is a very fast source port for Quake. But it has many other nice features. Personally for a long while I though it is IronWALL, not IronWAIL, hahha.

Note: Do not forget that Ironwail - like any source port - needs the original data files for Quake, either the Shareware version or full version. I recommend GOG version for Linux users, since you can extract those from the installation file, without having to install it via Wine.

Major features of Ironwail:

Watch this video, instead of me copying things I don't understand. This video shows the feature as of 0.7.0.

At first I couldn't find much info on compiling, since Void doesn't have package for Ironwail. Then I found this thread on github.

As of Ironwail 0.7.0, you need these dependencies on Void Linux:

If you are using other distro, you have to search for similarly named packages, and install those.

Use this command in your terminal:

$ sudo xbps-install SDL2-devel libvorbis-devel libmad-devel libcurl-devel

Then download the source code from github release page in a directory. After download, you should extract it, and it will give you an ironwail-0.7.0 directory:

$ tar xvzf ironwail-0.7.0.tar.gz

$ cd ironwail/Quake

$ make clean

$ make -j

Hopefully we won't get any error messages, then we need to copy 2 files from this directory, where our quake installation is:

Copy these to the directory, where your id1 directory is, but NOT into the id1 directory.

Then you can start your game with this command:

$ ./ironwail

If for some reason you are using Ironwail from outside of the Quake data directory, do not forget to use like this:

./ironwail -basedir /where/your/id1/dir/is


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