Some new terminal utils I am using
music, sound, video and file manager
Date: 2024-06-28
I really like experimenting with new stuff, and I always favored text based programs where I can. So recently I dived in and to my surprise I found some really good software, which I now use daily.
First head
This is a text based alternative to pavucontrol. Very simple. Since I use a bluetooth headphone it is so easy to switch to it, when I use a normal headphone or speaker. Small utility, but can give you such a peace of mind.
This is an amazing file manager (download here), with high customizability, speed and navigation. I am still figuring things out, because it knows and does so much. What I like that we have separate config files for general things, keyboard shortcuts and themes.
There is plugin support as well, which comes in handy for lots of things to add. I used ranger, lf before and I find yazi the easiest to configure, especially when you want to add programs to open certain filetypes. I like to add many bookmark shortcuts too.
Yazi supports tabs, which is a godsend after using lf. I also like the image and movie preview stuff. I use überzug++ (in st), and it shows a frame from the movie as well, plus using alt+j/k you can fast forward in it. It shows text files, but also pdf in preview mode, and you can scroll in it, with the same keybindings. That is simple genius!
It also supports trashbin, but you can skip it at deletion. Creating file or directory is simple pressing a and then close it with / if you want it to be a directory.
Filtering, using bookmarks or just simple pressing g then space and typing the path definitely makes for a quick navigation.
These are just a few things I like in yazi. Really superb file manager.
I like to listen to music locally, and I recently found this music player with a confusing spelling. Although I understand that musiccube would look silly, and with a k it is more stylish.
It has a really simple, but good looking interface. Left side has the album/artist/genre/playlist view, on the right you see the tracks. Use arrow keys to navigate between them. There are a bunch of shortcuts, press ? to see them all. As always you can change them in the config file. You can also 2use your mouse.
Another good thing is that you don't have to have your music files in one directory, you can select multiple directory to access with the musikcube.
Search is lighting fast and the results view is very clear, i.e. if I search for a track but the word can be found in multiple albums, you will get a well separated view.
I cannot recommend musikcube enough, if you are looking for a terminal based music player.
This is much easier to handle alternative to top or htop. It is more graphical as well. You can change layout, and themes. And my favorite, if you select the process, just press k to kill it. Download btop here
Ever wondered if you could search and watch youtube, without using an app or the website? With ytfzf it is possible to search and subscribe, without having an account. I am still using FreeTube as my main youtube program, but I occasionally using ytfzf as well.
My keyboard is not loud, but occasionaly I still like to have listen to keyboard sounds. I know it's weird. I used to use Mechvibes, but that's using electron, and stopped working. Plus it slowed down my computer. Rustyvibes is simple terminal utility, and it's capable to use mechvibes soundpacks, only uses like 10 MB of RAM, which doesn't sound a lot, but 2 decades ago, you needed 8 MB to play Duke Nukem 3D…