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Alien: Romulus (spoiler review)

Date: 2024-08-16

Alien: Romulus is the newest Alien movie in the series of mostly garbage movies, it's since 1986 that we saw a good movie in the franchise, thanks to James Cameron to transfer the original horror classic to an all out action movie.

I like the Alien movies, I have both on DVD, extended edition with commentary from the directors and the crew. I absolutely love Alien: Isolation game as well, it fits between into the 2 movies, as it's about Ellen's daughter (I prefer Aliens Director's cut as well).

I don't like Prometheus or Covenant either. I don't think that the Xenomorphs needs an origin story. I however I am not against doing a futuristic android story, and it is what it is. They wasted Michael Fassbender for 2 worse than mediocre movies, that has unlikable characters, and their stupid actions.

What is Romulus about?

It starts with an asteroid catching ship, that takes an asteroid in. After opening it up, we can see a fully grown alien. Nice, misterious start, but nothiing more.

Then we watch the "character" Rain on a mining planet, where there is 0 sun. She is dreaming about seeing the sun, and he has a black android friend. She couldn't get off the planet, because she don't have the hours for it after the officials overwrite her hours, because they have few workers. Why do they want women miners, while we see countless males, and they are probably more capable? Don't know! We don't know her background, if he is working with some machiner

After that she meets her friend, a young group of people. In fact a very young group of people, all are twenty-something. It is more like a band really, and very far from the first movie's working class space truckers. Those people had hierarchy, yet they were also like a family at the table. They also acted like adults, which is really far from these kids.

They convince Rain to go with them for a mission. They found a spaceship that has high quality sleeping pods, which with they can reach the nearest system, that can take them for 9 years. However they need Rain's android friend - called Andy -, because he is originally a Wayland Yutani droid, who could open doors and handle things.

My question is, how Rain's father could reprogram something so proprietary as a Wayland Yutani droid? If you don't know WY is liuke UAC in Doom, or Umbrella in Resident Evil, but even bigger, because we have space travel, and their reach is big. I am guess altering is not simple as making something in Basic or Pascal? Rain clearly values Andy as a friend though

Anyway, they take off without a problem. There are no authority around, no hey we need a clearance for take off, codes of any kind. Maybe they are not working class people, but just a couple of teenagers, doing… something. Movie is very vague about things.

Onto Romulus

Some things were cool. When they enter to the spacestation called Romulus (it has two parts of course, so there is Remus as well), it is dark, claustrophobic.

Don't ask for names, I don't remember them. Maybe a Chinese bald girl, and I don't know the latino guy's name. I checked Rain's name on IMDB, because originally I kept hearing Rey - probably because my cinema was so loud, that I had a headache after it -, and I immidiately associate everything with Rey Palpatine.

One of the main tension is between a crew member who doesn't like androids, and obviously doesn't like Andy. The new system where they want to travel is not under WY authority, and they didn't like their droids either, so when they go there, Andy would land in the garbage bin. However Rain cannot bring herself to tell him that, and this later comes to surface.

My problem starts when the kids started to talk. They are way too cheerful in certain situations, and there are many headdesk moment, when I was like "why would you do that?!", ala in Prometheus and Covenant. My problem is that there is no hierarchy. In Alien the characters had titles on a simple ship, and in Aliens too according to millitary rules. Here kids are just playing in Space with very adult stuff. Is this Gen Z is space? Is this the best we can do?

Similarly to Prometheus and Covenant, actions scenes are dumb, people are making illogical things.

And the greatest travesty is using Ian Holm, as Rook, an Ash type droid with deepfake technology. I don't like this, because it maybe like this in the future, that actors of the past will play roles even after they past. No, no, no as Michael Scott said. It doesn't matter how well made or shitty is, I just don't like it. It's creepy.

Of course Rook is evil, his mission is to make a synthetic version of the Alien goo type thing - yes it is connected to Prometheus, as dumb as it is - and he wants to send it to the colonies to further testing. In order to do this, he manipulated Andy (Rain's android friend). Weirdly I think the actor did a good job as the black, slightly autistic android. Weird reprogramming for sure, but if I am a dad and want my daughter to have an android protector, then I would make sure it has no defect.

The movie is 2 hours long, but I felt the last half hour should have ended sooner, it has like 3-4 possible time that could end, but I guess they wanted to have another specticle. Or they just wanted to save a character or two. Many times I would have ended, with no survivors, just because I disliked all of them. Seriously I couldn't root for any of them to survive, and I didn't find any of the characters interesting.

Visually the movie is pretty, and has many beautiful shots. I like the interior design of the ship as always, since it largely follows the original movies. Sometimes I really felt that I was in Alien Isolation, and wanted to duck behind cover. Many scenes have callbacks from earlier, and much better movies. But sadly the whole thing did not earn it.

I doubt I will watch this again, unless I get drugged or something.


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