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DWM picture in picture with floatpos patch

Date: 2020-10-21

After posting in one of the previous post , that I am looking for a picture in picture solution for dwm, I got a message on mastodon from the creator of the floatpos patch, which basically expands some of the existing patches for moving, resizing floating windows.

I have to say it was a pleasant surprise to patch, without much problem (had to do some manual patching, putting the keybindings in the config file). The wiki is also really good, detailing what can the patch do. Especially the positioning and sizes of the window, plus a nice example making Control to mod3, which you can use in the shortcut.

You can move a window with keyboard shortcuts, or use absolute positioning, or resizing a window (and you can give exact dimensions or relative in percentage). You can also position the window in a grid. Once again see the wiki for it, where the author has detailed descriptions.

I have to say, this is a much easier way to achieve the thing I wanted. I still thinking which part of the shortcuts I really need, because I use a 65% keyboard, and every key matters. :)

Once again thanks for bakkeby (Mastodon | Github ) for this awesome patch!

This was day 82 of #100DaysToOffload.


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