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About me

Note: I have separate page for CONTACT information.

I have this place to write about my opinions. I don't have a specific goal with this, yet. I just want to write.

I grow up in the last millenium, as strange this sounds now, but we have adults now who have born in the year 2000. Anybody remember the 2k scare? Looks silly now.

In tech, I like Linux, which is the only operating system in the last 11 years. I was never a person who tinkered with things, I was always rather clumsy with my hands anyway. However in school I was always the shy, outcast person. Computers and me were a natural fit, we were made for each other.

I know computers since the mid 1990s, when my brother went to a computer science program and I got interested in it too. I was lucky, I knew what was www, ftp and other things, before I learned it in school. I also learned to type way before school, which was aboug 4th grade. My mother had a Brother typewriter served me well and I still have it.

Later I learned to build webpages, and I had talent for it I think. But since the web has change so much. We have content management systems now, and individual design is not an option anymore, I think the web lost its creativity in the past decade. Webpages looks the same now and they more focused on advertising than on information.

Outside of tech I like movies and TV shows, and before that I loved books. Sadly I haven't read any book for a long time. I like every kind of movies, depending on my mood really. Except maybe comedy. Humor is very subjective in my opinion. I prefer humor mixed with drama. It is more lifelike than just put funny scenes after funny scenes.

Lately I like sci-fi/tech stories more and more, which I can connect to my life and our life right now, about artificial intelligence, and technology's effect on our society.

Personally I don't have a smartphone. I only have a dumbphone for calls, text and some music and listening. I have no internet on it. I have an Android tablet, which I use for watching videos, occasional surfing, reading, etc. To be honest it is just better not to own any tablet or smartphone. They are timewasters, which you can equally do it on your desktop computer or your laptop. I also don't have a laptop. I always wanted one, but lately I realized I don't need one.

However I have 2 mechanical keyboards at the moment, and probably get a 3rd one this year. I am in the rabbit whole now. :)

I like watching sports, but I try not to attach myself to it too much. I like both football - I am weird, haha - and some individual sports, like snooker. I also like to watch winter sports.

Doing sports was never my cup of tea. I am pretty clumsy with both my feet and my hands too. I like playing basketball more than football. I am terrible with darts too, but I have a board in my own room, which I use sometimes when I am in the mood. It is good to turn off my brain too. It is a peaceful sport.

In 2017 I got into weight lifting. In winter using the stationary bike is - most of the time - boring. So I got myself a weightlifting set. I like it, I can see progress. My aim is not to have big muscles or anything like that. I just want to get fit and stay fit. I am currently on a weightloss journey and I use weightlifting to support that.

My aim with this little website is to archive some part of my life, and share some of it with you, if you are interested. While I am just an average person I hope you find something useful. :)


In case you are wondering: This website doesn't track you. I don't use any javascript or other scripts. I don't store any information about the visitors. It's just pure old fashioned HTML and some CSS (plus some custom fonts). Hosted on Neocities and created with Emacs. 2018-2022 - 2022-